Tag: Finance

Realty Gloom Reflects Stock Price

The gloom over the realty sector is reflected in the stock prices of many companies. BSE Realty Index has been the worst performer so far in 2008, having shed more than 68.5% from its January peak. Analysts expect further erosion in valuations of realty stocks with the sector facing a slowdown, input costs rising, and […]

Orbit Corp Plans Township In South Mumbai

Real estate firm Orbit Corp Ltd expects to add new projects worth 8-10 billion rupees in 2008/09, as it sees strong demand for redevelopment projects in South Mumbai, its main area of operation.

Buy A House And Get A Car Free

Real Estate businessmen of Bangalore have always been in search for techniques to grab the attention of customers for their properties. Recent publicity stunt is ‘buy a house and get a car a free gift’. For example, if a customer buys a flat of worth 200 lacs, he gets a car as a free gift […]