Brokers Turning into Consultants

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April 13, 2010

In order to face the competition from foreign rivals, the local brokers plan to renovate their image by turning themselves from brokers to consultants. To give a tough competition and appear professional, their idea is to transform their appearance. Laptop in hand, Necktie, some executive finesse and changed destination might assist the task of refurbishing the image.

Mr. Vibhoo Mehra,a broker from the western suburbs protested that they should not be addressed as real estate brokers. It sounds very downmarket. They should rather be called realtors or consultants. Even a conference took place on this concern which was attended by around 600 real estate agents.

Brokers must look professional and presentable is the belief of some panelists at the conference organized by the National Association of Realtors India (NAR).

NAR treasurer Kalpesh Shah said that not just the outlook will be changed; rather they want brokers to be well informed about their projects too. It will gain the attention of buyers. He also informed that the international broking firms are posing a threat to local brokers since they have started biting a chunkier share of the day-to-day brokerage pie.

City builders like Sunil Mantri, Niranjan Hiranandani and Pravin Doshi were also seen in the conference.