The Rs 1,000-crore textiles-to-real estate major, Bombay Dyeing, will develop eight lakh square feet of property on its surplus land in Mumbai. The company will construct a high-rise building for commercial and residential use. ”We will commence construction of a high-rise tower in two months. The entire project will be sold off in the next […]
Tag: Entire Project
DLF To Get 5000 Acres Land Less Than Market Rate
June 23, 2008 – 12:17 am
Real estate developer DLF will soon get around 5000 acres near Greater Noida at less than market rate under the Taj Expressway Industrial Development Authority’s (TEA) scheme. Jaypee group, too, has qualified for allotment of 2,500 acres, while Unitech and Punj Lloyd are in queue for 2,500 acres each. TEA additional CEO C S Verma […]