The BJP has said that the draft Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill 2011, which is now in public domain, is good but cannot be accepted in its existing format. Sangh Priya Gautam, the former Union minister said, farmer should be given the right to sell 100% of their land. In Greater Noida, the […]
Tag: Farmers
DLF To Get 5000 Acres Land Less Than Market Rate
June 23, 2008 – 12:17 am
Real estate developer DLF will soon get around 5000 acres near Greater Noida at less than market rate under the Taj Expressway Industrial Development Authority’s (TEA) scheme. Jaypee group, too, has qualified for allotment of 2,500 acres, while Unitech and Punj Lloyd are in queue for 2,500 acres each. TEA additional CEO C S Verma […]