The Bhopal-based Som Distilleries and Breweries, manufacturer of the Hunter beer, has acquired a 50-acre prime plot in Gwalior for Rs 266 crore from the Madhya Pradesh government. The company will develop a retail mall, a theme mall and two hotels — a star hotel and a budget hotel — as well as residential apartments, […]
Tag: Madhya Pradesh
Omaxe To Invest Rs 8000 Crore To Build 10 Lakh Low-Cost Houses
May 15, 2008 – 4:55 am
After low-cost airlines, budget hotels, cheap cell phones, low-cost computers et al, it’s now time for branded low-cost houses. Delhi-based real estate major Omaxe is planning to invest Rs 8,000 crore in next five years in affordable housing projects. The company has floated a subsidiary National Affordable Housing and Infrastructure which will be building the […]