Real estate firm Sunil Mantri said that it will invest Rs 2,000 crore on developing a 2,000-acre residential project in Gwalior over the next decade. The company signed an MoU with the Special Area Development Authority, Gwalior, to carry out the project under public-private-partnership model, the company said in a statement. As per the MoU, […]
Tag: Multiplex
ADAG Looks Toward Subhash Chandra’s Essel World
June 12, 2008 – 7:00 am
In acquisition mode yet again, the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group is now eyeing the Subhash Chandra-promoted Essel Group’s amusement park in Mumbai—popularly known as ‘Essel World’. ADAG insiders told that Reliance Entertainment was keen on the property, considering its popularity and location. Essel World is one of the first initiatives to set up an amusement […]